Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hello . . . Is anyone home?

Balancing my checkbook is not a strong point for me, just ask my ex-husband. I sent his head spinning more than a few times. He’d affirm that statement I’m sure! What I’ve come to accept is that he is simply a dominant Left Brain person, where that sort of stuff comes so easily to him, and I, on the other side, am a dominant Right Brain person, where that sort of "x h_@!" just frustrates me!

That’s why these days I employ the services of a bookkeeper to help me with my business. It appears that my Right Brain remains the dominant side of my brain. It’s like this -- my left brain logically lets me know that I should strive for accuracy in making sure the checkbook balances to the penny, but my right brain tells me that I would be perfectly content to round up or down to the nearest dollar amount. LOL!

I’m quite fascinated by people who are Left Brain dominant. Actually, I’m in awe over their thought patterns, and seemingly effortless skills with numbers and theoretical, analytical, linear, logical thinking. Over the past few years I’ve been trying really hard to force myself to tap into the talents of my left brain – not so easy, but I must say I’m doing some things much better then ever before. Like, my analyzing, and sequencing skills have improved. But boy I tell you – my brain sure does hurt when I force myself to think like that! I usually have to go take a long nap afterwards.

I found these charts showing the differences of the functionality between the left brain and the right brain. In some strange way when I look at them I actually feel some relief in just understanding my strengths and weaknesses based on what I know about myself being dominant Right Brain. They help me to "See the Whole Picture" for what it is.

One man that had a very complex brain was Albert Einstein. He stated, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." If we only used the factual infomation that we know, things will remain the same, if not more dull. It is healthier to use our imagination to create knew ideas, solutions, and goals. This is what makes all of our lives full of excitement and creativity. People need to be open to "the ocean of all possibilities."


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