Saturday, July 5, 2008

Following Your Dreams

Isn’t following your dreams
living the American Dream?

Maybe it doesn’t always pan out, but the journey
sure does make for an interesting adventure.

Made in the USA greeting card by Melanie Banayat
Click on picture to see more details

I received a message from a fellow Prescott artist, Tony Reynolds, who posted a very cool comment on his blog about me. In reference to his blog he made the following statement, “can’t be depended on to hold a single thought long enough to be a good employee!” I completely related to that! I have been "unemployable" since about the age of ten. LOL!

I can laugh at that now, but only because I've finally accepted that my heart was simply elsewhere. I kept avoiding doing what my heart desired, because I was trying to please everyone else who felt that a career in art wasn't going to make me much of a living. Not to mention the fact that it also put fear in me where I believed that any attempt for a career in art would only end in failure. When I finally decided to define what "a living" was for myself I realized I wasn't "living" when I was doing what I thought everyone else thought I should be doing. Hmmm? What a wicked, twisted, cycle of dysfunction.

Now a days I can see more clearly. "Making a living", from my perspective, is doing that which brings you great joy, peace, and purpose in life. The part where we have to pay our bills will naturally follow suit; I believe and trust that in my heart. And if I'm not making as much material abundance as other people feel I could or should be making by doing something else -- that's their issue, not mine. I 've experienced both sides. I've tasted great material abundance as well as nothing but two suitcases of clothes, a few dollars in my wallet, and a car (no home). Neither side brought me joy. Years ago I managed to build a rather comfortable life filled with material things by pleasing others, but I never seemed to feel fulfilled. Because of my unhappiness, I was forced out and left to start over from ground zero.

When everything that I had built up in my life was suddenly gone I realized I had just been given a clean slate, a blank canvas and a great opportunity. So I went for it... 'My' American Dream.

Happy Independence Day Everyone!
I hope you are living 'Your' American Dream, or at the very least in the midst of the adventurous journey on your way there!

Click here to visit Tony Reynolds blog.

Click on the picture below to
visit Tony Reynolds website.

Sentinel by Tony Reynolds



Anonymous said...


Now that I have left the 9 to 5 set and begun pursuing my own passion, I find that it's a little like buying a new car. You start noticing the same model car all around town. More and more people I meet, are approaching the "making a living vs making a life" question by choosing to follow passion instead of the big bucks. Like you, I wish everyone could enjoy what we have decided is the American Dream. Best of the 4th to you and keep doin' it.

Melanie Banayat said...

I've noticed the same thing. And I think it's great.

Hope to meet you sometime soon, since we live in the same town and all!

Anonymous said...

Hi, all of what you have said, IS EXACTLY, what I believe too. However, you might want to rethink letting the "poor working stiff", who might buy your art, know how you feel. Yes, it is splitting hairs, but over 35+ years of retailing, I have opened my mouth and made every single mistake possible. "wow I said to my customer, look at that lady, you can see right through that summer dress." "yes" he said, "that's my wife."

Now You Can Personalize My MiliGirl Notecards on my Zazzle Store!