Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ACE Art Group

The ACE Art Group has just launched their new website!

The ACE Art Group
Artists Creating Excellence

An Association of Professional Artists

bringing art connoisseurs and fine art together
in ever changing intimate venues

The ACE Art Group (Artists Creating Excellence) was formed by a group of professional artists in the Prescott, Arizona area who are devoted to their mediums and determined to advance their careers. The group -- a unique combination of artists -- focuses on the business of art, networking, organizing shows and expanding their list of collectors. Each artist contributes his or her experience and talents to benefit the group, sharing knowledge, information, opportunities, challenges and successes. The members of the ACE Art Group are all accomplished artists who exhibit a wide range of talents in various mediums. Melanie Banayat - contemporary figurative oil painter – creates bold & colorful images of women in peaceful, sensual, and whimsical poses reminiscent of the Fauvism movement, Pia Davis – fine art photographer - focuses on the incredible and mysterious world of ‘macro’ found in blown glass, Emelina Figueroa – Urban Organic Mixed Media Painter – utilizes natural elements such as marble powder, wood, volcanic lava, seed, coffee fibers and grains in each of her renderings, and Bill Cramer – Plein Air Oil Painter – captures the desert landscape of Arizona on location and completes his impressionistic paintings in one sitting. The ACE Art Group chooses to remain a small group (maximum 12 members) in order maintain their unique purpose and mission with integrity. Their mission is to bring art connoisseurs and fine art together in ever changing intimate venues by partnering with businesses and art collectors. They create a different art exhibition theme for every new venue making each event a ‘Unique and Intriguing Art Experience’.

Join our Mailing List
We invite you to join our mailing list
Come Enjoy the Art Experiences of the ACE Art Group.



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