I’m fine with my age and thought it would be fun to sit down and write 45 things that came to mind that I have learned in my 45 years. Some are silly and others just might make you go hmmm…
So here goes… 45 things I’ve learned in my 45 years
(OMG, after posting this and looking at how long the list is all I can say is Holy _ _ _ _!)
1. I love being in my 40s! (and I knew I would!)
2. Your mom isn’t always right… (unless your name is Mikhaila or Dakota and I’m your mom.)
3. Things you hear as a child really do STICK in a person’s head for years, so be careful what you say to children!
4. Gray hair looks kinda cool against my brown skin.
5. Being yourself is always the best way to go in the long run! Figuring out who “Your True Self” is on the other hand can often be the big challenge. The sooner you can figure that out the better.
6. Your formal education (or lack of) doesn’t have to determine the rest of your life.
7. Risks are rewarded – sometimes with wealth and other times with lessons to be learned.
8. There is always a silver lining if you are willing to look for it.
9. Having dreams is a wonderful thing. A few of my dreams have come to fruition, and I still have more dreams that I want to accomplish. YAY!
10. Living in this time of exponential, high-speed, rapid change is fascinating and comes with all sorts of interesting things like Facebook, which has re-connected me with some really wonderful people from my past that I probably would not have reconnected with if Facebook didn’t exist.
11. It’s awesome, amazing, and incredibly humbling to do what I do! I give thanks to my Heavenly Father for my gifts, and hope that what I do with my talents helps to open doors to his love.
12. Being a parent is really, really hard work, and full of every emotion on the face of the earth, plus I'm certain there are even a few that we haven’t given names to yet. (But it's so worth it!)
13. Everyone doesn’t always choose the best partner. Pick again. (But not the same person with a different name – lots of people seem to do that too! – I did; lesson finally learned? √ check)
14. Sex is definitely better at this age! No more hang ups there!
15. I really love dancing, and I’ll never stop dancing ever again! (when I did I was not a happy camper!)
16. Having just a few great friends is really wonderful.
17. Shoe size has nothing to do with anything except how big your feet are. LOL!
18. Finding someone who gets you is something to be cherished!
19. Laughter is an awesome way to spend time.
20. Travel to foreign countries expands your perspective.
21. Trust your intuition, even if it goes against everyone else’s advice. You usually know what’s best for you.
22. Due to Social media I can get the word out about what I do for hardly any money, with no special technical ability, to tens of thousands or even millions of people, in a matter or days or even minutes. WOW!
23. “If you don’t ask, the chances of getting a “yes” are slim to none.”
24. “The worst that can happen is they say no.” (I’ve discovered you can always survive that and move on to better things.)
25. I have found a way to make work = fun. Yippee!
26. God's forgiveness and my own forgiveness saved me and delivered me from so much pain.
27. Most of my emotional walls are down, now I only have a few hang-ups (LOL!)
28. Sometimes it really is ok to sit and do nothing… for hours.
29. Sometimes you get what you pay for. Other times you get more or less… be careful how you spend your money.
30. I enjoy a good glass of wine with good friends.
31. Not everyone is meant to stay in our lives forever but everyone that comes into your life serves a purpose or provides a lesson you need to learn.
32. I’m not bitter, vengeful, or regretting my two previous marriages, which is like a modern day miracle! More than anything I just didn’t want to waste my energy on something that would only make me lonely and ugly both inside and out.
33. It’s ok to admit that you were wrong.
34. Our beliefs don’t always make sense – even to ourselves! Keep the ones that work for you and try to change the ones that hold you back.
35. Knowing yourself and being honest with yourself is the key to all things.
36. Success is more than the size of your bank account.
37. Time really does seem to pass more quickly the older you get!
38. I like to know how everything works. Which can cause me to do more than I should by myself. I also have trouble turning it off at night. I’m still working on that one.
39. I’m “micro-social” – I would choose to be with small groups of people over large gatherings.
40. Being able to choose my own ring tone is a fun little feature in life among many others.
41. There is no “right answer” that will work for everyone. (No matter what the question is.)
42. Having kids has turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.
43. I love kind little gestures like the man that always smiles and greets me by my name who owns my favorite hole in the wall Mexican restaurant, Barbudos.
44. The crevasses that time has carved into the landscape of my face have earned me the right of passage into the company of many wonderful women.
45. I’m excited to see what this next year brings…
So it's not just me then- being a woman over forty is actually good! I really enjoyed your wacky and insightful list and am glad to have discovered your blog. Have a great year and by all means, dance on.
Thanks Alyson, I'm glad you found my blog, too. Good to meet you.
Thanks Alyson, I'm glad you found my blog, too. Good to meet you.
Your 40s are great. I just turned 50 and am loving life even more than before. I believe it just keeps getting better for women as we age. We are so blessed in this country to have the opportunities to know ourselves and continue to grow as we grow older. If I was there I'd dance with you. Cheers!
Julie Rose
Yay! I'd dance with you too, Julie!!!!
Happy Birthday Melanie, I love your list! The 40's have been a wonderful opportunity to know myself, and it's only getting better. I turn 43 this year and am loving the ride!
OMG, Kathleen, I just visited your website. I love how you capture the personalities in the animals you paint. Amazing! Those eyes are such windows into their souls.
I keep hearing that 50s are even better than the 40s. Whoever said it's all down hill from there must have taken the wrong path at the fork.
Really enjoyed this post Melanie. It's refreshing to hear somebody who is enjoying the aging process. :)
Wish you the best.........
Happy 45, i've enjoyed the 40's and turn 48 this year, funny i don't feel like an "old" man. Here's to many more happy and productive years(full of dance and laughter)!
I love this post, Melanie! Just love it! Happy Birthday and a big Amen!!!! :)
Thanks Linda. I love the song you chose for your blog. It's perfect. I love that line, "It Doesn't take much to make me happy...!"
It is so refreshing to hear someone talk about being true to your intuition, embracing who one is, loving life!
Wonderful. It seems that you are living a contented and happy life.
God bless you always.
Well, I at least feel like I'm finally living.
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