Through Facebook I’ve also discovered that there is a tremendous amount of loneliness in this world –- a lot of deeply painful loneliness. Sometimes that loneliness is hard to notice in others because we’re all so busy just surviving. It’s not easily detected in the chaos of life, but when we strip down the façade we can see that so many walk in the shadows of empty feelings and hardly ever express it in healthy ways.
On the flip side, we get to be virtual witnesses to stories about miracles, and inspirational events. I'm not even doing justice in describing it.
All I really know is that this “Facebook Phenomena" has also allowed me this absolutely unique way of staying in touch with my kids who live with their father up in Oregon, while I live way down in Arizona. Each and every day my kids have given me permission to take a peek into their lives through the magic of the simple phrase, “What’s on your mind?” …and they choose to respond. And… the icing on the cake is how digital cameras and cell phone cameras give us the ability to record and upload images in just a few minutes time. The downside is that I realize just how much of my kids lives I'm missing, and it hurts in the worst of ways.
This has made me a bit emotional thinking about how much we long to just be close to those we love and to find someone to love us. When I get like this I have to listen to music that helps me pull up the tears for a good cry. I’ve been listening to the same song over and over again the past few days. That’s just crazy “Teenage” behavior, but that’s what it has taken to finally turn on the waterworks. “Someone Like You” by Van Morrison is the song of choice.
Am I all alone in this “replay” malfunction?
through blogger, I've made tremendous steps forward, and have established relationships with good people from all over the globe. It amazes me sometimes, when I think about that aspect. I mean, I have friends from areas of the world I hope to travel to someday, and maybe meet some of them, some of my closest friends don't even have a photo profile, but it is simply accepted as a good thing and no one ever complains about it, especially me.
Well I am just staying in touch.....
Hi Jesse. Yes, it's so true that I too have made friends with people that I have never met, yet we have a connection by way of this technology that I have no understanding of and have no desire to understand how it all works. I'm just grateful someone does understand it so that I, and others, can benefit in a positive way from it.
I know that there are plenty of downsides too, but I try to keep in mind that opposition exists in all things no matter what.
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