Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Schedule Bumping

The Never Ending "List"!

A good friend of mine, Michael, always talks about his list. He’s a list maker, so that’s what list makers do. He’s always commenting how his list never gets any shorter despite the fact that he’s always plugging away at it. “I know what you mean”, I tell him. But I’ve come to the conclusion that the list will never go away. There will always be a list.

I was a big time list maker in my 20’s. I used sticky notes, the back of business cards, napkins, receipts, or whatever I could get my hands on. I still suffer with occasional relapses of my list making. But now in my 40’s I don’t talk about my list so much anymore, now I notice that I do a lot of Schedule Bumping. I like it. It seems to be a healthier approach to my daily tasks. If I don’t get it done today, I’ll just bump it over to another day.

I use my iCal calendar on my iMac to manage my daily schedule. It has a lot of cool functions on it. For instance, I can send myself an email reminder to my cell phone direct from my calendar; it’s like my personal secretary. Then on my cell phone I can set my alarm to Vibrate, Voice Alarm, Melodies, or Ring Tones. I chose the voice alarm, because the voice sounds like that obnoxious character from the animated movie, Monster’s Inc – you know, the secretary with the drone voice. “Check Your Schedule!” the voice exclaims. It cracks me up. I haven’t come up with a name for the voice yet. She needs an appropriate name. Got any suggestions?

I suppose the only way the “List” ever ends is on the day we part this life. But who knows what’s waiting for us at the pearly gates. Another “List”? And will it be possible to do a little Schedule Bumping?

"Life is Too unpredictable to live by a schedule." - Life Quotes

"I am definitely going to take a course on time managment...just as soon as I can work it into my schedule." Louis E. Boone

"There cannot be a crisis today; my schedule is already full" - Henry Kissinger


Anonymous said...

somehow...Carol Burnett's, Mrs. Wiggins character comes first to mind. She played Tim Conway's secretary and he seemed to HATE her because she was so bored and indifferent with her job and really only cared about her nails and social life.
The list thing is easy, kinda like eating your spinach first. You only have to remember the things you don't want to do and do them first, the rest is cool stuff you want to do, like eating ice cream, and you don't forget that.

Melanie Banayat said...

Mrs. Wiggins sounds pretty good. I remember that character. Too funny!

joseph's art and stuff said...

Hi Melanie, thanks for stopping by and leaving a note. I've been to busy to take that trip. Work has been hectic. We are down a couple people and the rest of us are being farmed out to help with other offices. Tonight I'm working a night shift, yesterday a full day, tomorrow another late night, then Friday a full day. Really messes with your internal clock. When I finally take that journey I'll let you know how it went.

EMELINA said...

i love your quotes...and your article so cool...thanks...Hugs, Em:)

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