Friday, April 4, 2008

The Cure – a Pacific Island!

Just another migraine . . . While I was buzzing from OTC meds all day (and now all night) I decided to search for images of migraine headaches. Here are a few I liked.

“I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches.”
- Ellen Key (Swedish Writer, 1849-1926)

As I’ve researched remedies to my migraines over the years I’ve come to realize that each migraine sufferer is unique in their suffering and their search for a cure. Whether they be Hormone induced, food induced, exacerbated by the migraine medications that are suppose to be helping, it’s all so frustrating, and disappointing when I've tried this and that, been tested, gone to a chiropractor, and pay attention to the latest new remedy hoping this will be the cure – only it’s not the cure for ME!

I've been developing my own idea of how I would like to do a painting of a migraine (of course without the vomiting!). I'm still working on it, but one of these days it will come to me in full color. Maybe that will be MY cure! Wouldn't that be sweet. At least that would be MUCH better than having a stroke, or heart surgery to fix the problem.

so many more choices now. So much more information. Actual solutions remain as elusive as unicorns.
- Posted by zar f

But the best cure is to move to a Pacific Island. I spent several years at or near sea level…and guess what? No migraines!
— Posted by Bill

The brain with a migraine

I'm ready to pack my bags . . .
and move to a Pacific Island!!!!!!


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