Friday, April 18, 2008

Hidden Jewels

It’s so fun to find people, places, and things that are what I like to call “Hidden Jewels”. Like the little hole in the wall restaurant that barely has room for a lunchtime rush, but the food is so outstanding that people are willing to wait in line and sit in a cramped dining room, or the little computer repair shop with people who actually offer superior customer service (what’s that?), I especially like to find nice designer clothes at a thrift store that some wealthy woman, who happens to be my size, with good taste in clothes, and who probably only wore the outfit one time, and probably paid $150 for it, but found no need for it anymore – Lucky me! I get it for a whole $20. (Big Cheesy Smile!)

Yesterday an artist friend of mine sent me to a tiny frame shop located behind a locksmith store with no visibility or sign that can be seen from the main street. You get to it from a back street, and it’s not in a place that has any foot traffic either. So how does a business like that survive? Excellent, trustworthy, quality work, good customer service, and word of mouth from loyal customers – that’s how. The Division Street Frame Shop – what a jewel. The owner, Clementine Ludwig, is both charming and knowledgeable.

It’s places like that which you claim for yourself – “this is part of my treasure, the things that make my life comfortable and familiar." People like that become part of your chosen family of friends.

"Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends." - WALT DISNEY

"You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be easily duplicated, but a strong customer service culture can’t be copied." - JERRY FRITZ


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A boss once told me, " there is nothing we have here, that people can't buy down the street or around the corner. The only thing we have that they don't is you."

Now You Can Personalize My MiliGirl Notecards on my Zazzle Store!