Friday, April 11, 2008

I bought an "S"

Wheel ..........Of......... Fortune!

Ever watch the Wheel of Fortune? Sure you have. We all have, unless you’ve been living in a cave like a hermit for the past 30 years or so . . . Well, I suppose if you were born after 1995, then maybe you haven’t. It was my mother's favorite show for years. Probably still is. Unfortunately, after a day like today, my mother probably would have told me that I should have been on some other game show like, "The Price is Right."

Today I bought an 'S' for $300!

I felt like I was on the wheel of fortune, where it was my turn. I spun the giant wheel, it landed on $300, I looked up at the board and blurted out with enthusiasm (cause that’s what they do) I said, “Pat (Sajak), I’d like an “S” for $300 Please!” And I got the big “OOOOOOH”. Pat put on his frown face and sadly replied, “Oh Melanie, the letter “S” was already chosen earlier – - you idot!”

Don't ask.......I Don't Want to Talk About It!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when people shoot themselves in the foot, even when I do it. So, tell me more.......

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