Friday, September 5, 2008

Finding the Right Words

"Sometimes finding the right words can be like finding the key that opens the prison door."

Words are Powerful - Very Powerful!

Some people are never short of words. Some people seem to have a plethora of interesting and intellectual words that spill from their mouth as easily as stating their name. I’m amazed and dumbfounded by the natural gift that some people posses. Some have a gift with words in profound and poetic ways, while others have a gift of slighting and damaging souls with just a few choice phrases.

I am not so gifted. Yet, I am determined. I have been searching and searching for years (YEARS!) for the right words to describe certain experiences and events that happened to me in my past, yet time and time again my pages have been left with gargantuan blank spaces. I simply could not conjure the elusive words.

While doing some research for a book that I’m writing I came across an abundance of helpful information. Words! I found magical, wonderful, fruitful words that have brought about answers to my half drowned soul.

Isn’t it incredible when you put the energy out to do something and you receive a response? I’m on cloud nine! The prison door has been opened. It’s true that the right words can set your soul free.



TomboCheck said...

For me it is the power of finding simple words to define complex concepts, always with an eye and an ideal for putting emotion into the stream letters spilling forth.

Anonymous said...

Yes, words are tough to come by at times. But then that's why we do Art too.
Glad you found another word resource but I think you have a great one in the tubes of paint by your easel.

Melanie Banayat said...

Yes, I agree whole-heartedly. Simple is more my style. I tend to be more of a layman myself when it comes to the extent of my vocabulary. The challenge in the written word is the ability to express emotions along with them. It's certainly a lot easier to express emotions when I speak.

Melanie Banayat said...

Hurrah for art! I don't know what I would do without it! The tubes of paint you describe are a lifeline, much like the vocal cords to a singer-songwriter, or floorspace to a dancer.

Rick said...

I can't seem to get the right words out because of the foot that's stuck there blocking the way.

Melanie Banayat said...

LOL! That's a good one. I've been there too - more times than I'd like to admit.

Anonymous said...

Regarding words, which are as water from a faucet, we would all do well to learn the patience to hear the words of life and healing so desperately needed. Then to cautiously let them roll from our tongues and pens... or keyboards, with hearts that endeavor to edify and nurture. You, Melanie, are blessed with such a heart and your words, as simple as you may think them, profoundly express your compassion for others. Speak deeply and continuously with your pen and your brushes, my Lady.

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